Bob Taft = Jackass

Bob Taft is a fucking idiot. There is no getting around it. The guy is as incompetent as politicians come.
In August, Taft became the first Ohio Governor to be found guilty of a crime while in office, after he pleaded no contest to charges that he violated state ethics laws by failing to report golf outings and other gifts. Fifty-three to be exact. And people complain about Pres. Bush mending his fences at the ranch in Texas. I think Gov. Taft is a little worse. Franklin County Judge Mark Froehlich fined Taft the maximum $1,000 for each of the four misdemeanor counts but imposed no jail time. However, he did require Taft to issue apologies to Ohio’s citizens and state government employees. Taft, in a press conference held after the hearing, said, “I accept full responsibility for this mistake. I am very sorry.” Nevertheless, Taft did not resign. He vowed to serve the 16 months left of his second term, even though he has insisted on the resignation of department heads and other government employees for similar or lesser offenses. Not to mention, his approval ratings are sky high at 16%. So, now Taft also plays the role of hypocrit. Now, even some Ohio Republicans have called for him to resign. Not surprisingly, the three leading GOP candidates for governor are keeping their distance from him and his ethics problems.
As governor, Taft has earned an “F” in the Cato Institute’s report card on the nation’s governors. Some of his administration's failure's: massive spending increases, minor tax reform that fails to relieve Ohio’s most serious economic problem, the tax burden on businesses; and Taft’s so-called “Third Frontier” proposal for state-subsidized high tech research and development. The proposal was rejected by Ohio voters a couple years ago, but will be offered to Ohio voters again in November.
Taft has embarrassed himself, the state of Ohio, and he has put a black-eye on the family name. Too bad considering the Taft family is one of the most known names in all of American politics.
Simply put, Bob Taft is a piece of shit.
For the CBS Evening News, Kyle Rowland reporting.